Tiang Backdrops
Background Nett Wire Mesh Tbd ( 1 Roll = 20 Meter)Special Price Rp 224.000,00 Regular Price Rp 320.000,00
Background Nett ini banyak digunakan sebagai penahan props seperti bunga dan 3D props lainnya. Dijual per roll lebar 1m, Panjang 20m.
Ukuran bolong 3x5cm
Material: Galvanized Mesh
volume pakaging :5kg
Crystal Velcro dengan Pengait BdpRp 31.900,00
Velcro 2 sisi dengan lebar 2.2cm
Dijual per meter, termasuk pengait 10 pcs/m
Defect Stainless Steel Adjustable Tripod Backdrop 3X6M Tbd Grade BSpecial Price Rp 980.000,00 Regular Price Rp 1.400.000,00Butuh tiang backdrop yang stabil dan beda dari yang dijual diluaran? Ini kualitas bagus yah, tebal, kokoh dan kuat.Ketinggian bisa diadjust Material: Stainless Stell Lebar: Adjustable 3-6 m Tinggi: Adjustable 1.5-3 m Max. Weight Capacity: 50kg volume : 10kg
Extra Large Base TblRp 150.000,00Material: PVC Include: 1pcs EXTRA Large Base Diameter 34cm Height 18cm (fillable with water or sand for sturdy construction) Volume Packaging:3 kg
Pipe Balloon Tbl Arch Kit - Extra Large BaseRp 395.000,00
Material: PVC
Include: 2pcs EXTRA Large Base Diameter 34cm Height 18cm (fillable with water or sand for sturdy construction), 12pcs Pipe 60cm long, 11pcs fittings Assembled to approximately Width 6m x Height 3m Size can be adjusted depending on how many pipes are installed. Volume Packaging:7 kg
Silver Pavillion Backdrop TbdSpecial Price Rp 1.470.000,00 Regular Price Rp 2.100.000,00Material: Metal Size: Tinggi dapat diatur dari 1.5-3m, Diameter 2m
White Pentagon Backdrop Tbd - (1 Set Isi 2 Pcs)Rp 1.850.000,001 set isi 2 piece berukuran: 3m x Tinggi 3m Material: Metal